Core Courses


Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ME/BCB/GDCB 5850 (Fall)Fundamentals of Predictive Plant Phenomics (.docx)4 cr
STAT 4830/5830 (Fall)Empirical Methods for the Computational Sciences3 cr
  - or STAT 5870/5710 sequenceStatistical Methods for Research Workers AND Statistical Design and the Analysis of Experiments4 cr + 3 cr
  - or STAT 5870/5810 sequenceStatistical Methods for Research Workers AND Analysis of Gene Expression Data for Biol. Sci.4 cr + 3 cr
  - or STAT 5870/5880 sequenceStatistical Methods for Research Workers AND Statistical Theory for Research Workers4 cr + 3 cr
  - or STAT 5870/AGRON 5260 sequenceStatistical Methods for Research Workers AND Field Plot Technique4 cr + 3 cr
BCB 6930X/ GEN 6930X/ AGRON 6930X/
M E 6930X/ E E 6903X/ ENG 6930X/ (Spring)
Entrepreneurship for Graduate Students in Science and Engineering1 cr
GR ST 5650 (Spring)Responsible Conduct of Research1 cr
* M E 6000 P3 Seminar (Fall/Spring)P3 Graduate Seminar (All P3 trainees select and attend four P3 relevant seminars each semester)R


* M E 6000 is to be taken every Fall & Spring, for four semesters.


Predictive Plant Phenomics Program. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under DGE#1545463